BLACK SCREEN The quiet hum of CITY TRAFFIC and DISTANT SIRENS. Gradually, we make out something unnerving, right beside us: SOMEONE BREATHING ... A MASSIVE RED TITLE FADES UP: "T H E B A T M A N" HOLD; then SMASH OUT OF THE BLACKNESS TO REVEAL AN OUT OF FOCUS BINOCULAR POV - DUSK We FOCUS, SEARCHING THE FACADE OF AN OPULENT TOWNHOUSE ... The BREATHING SUDDENLY QUIETS as a SHAPE APPEARS IN A WINDOW -- a LITTLE RED NINJA gazes out, clutching a small sword. The ninja spins, brandishing the sword as TWO SHAPES enter behind him -- a WOMAN, late 30s, dressed as a WITCH -- and a MAN, late 50s, in a WELL-CUT SUIT. The little ninja rushes in, "stabbing" the Man, who collapses melodramatically. The Woman smiles -- speaks to the ninja, and he grabs a PUMPKIN CANDY BUCKET as they start to exit. The Man sits up, yells after them; the ninja runs back for a hug. Finally, the ninja and Woman exit, LEAVING THE MAN ALONE. He grows SOBER. As the Man pulls himself up, the BREATHING BESIDE US RESUMES ... INT. OPULENT TOWNHOUSE - DIMLY-LIGHTED STUDY - NIGHT In the light of the flickering TV, we see now the Man is handsome, distinguished. He stands, sipping scotch, watching THE NEWS; a CHYRON reads, "GOTHAM MAYORAL RACE": FEMALE NEWSCASTER (ON TV) Just-released polls have incumbent mayor, Don Mitchell, Jr. and twenty-eight year old grassroots challenger, Bella Real in a dead heat. Things certainly got hot last night in their final debate before next Tuesday's election ... As the Man anxiously watches the DEBATE CLIP, we realize: he is MAYOR MITCHELL; his female challenger, BELLA REAL, young, intelligent, a force of nature, shares the stage -- MAYOR MITCHELL (ON TV) Now my young opponent here wants to gut the Gotham Renewal Program established by the great Thomas Wayne, cutting the funds for vital projects like our sea wall, and the safety net for those in need-- (CONTINUED) 1 2 3 3 02/09/20 (White February Shooting Script) CONTINUED: 2 . BELLA REAL (ON TV) -- the Renewal Program is broken! The city's been "renewing" for twenty years, look where it's gotten us! Crime has skyrocketed!